Tuesday, March 17, 2015

MonsterMania: One of the Best Experiences Ever!

So I got back from MonsterMania Convention on Saturday morning. Let me just tell you guys, if you're a horror fan and you've never been to a horror convention...you need to go. MonsterMania is the perfect example of a place where first-timers can go, and where seasoned con-goers can go, and everyone is harmonious and lovey and everyone talks about gore and creepy things. It's the most magical experience.
I wish I would have went for the entire weekend, but I only went on Friday. I went to Bizarre AC last year, and I was exhausted after just one day, so I told myself I would go to MonsterMania, do what I went there to do (meet John Carroll Lynch, aka Twisty the Clown from American Horror Story: Freakshow!) and then head home.
Well, I regret that completely. It was one of the most fun days of my life, full of adrenaline, creepy things, and lots of laughs, smiles, and amazing people.

First of all, let me just tell you, the vendors there were amazing. I told myself I would grab a quick few things to add to my collection (and walking into the first room of vendors, I found Full Moon Features and ended up going crazy with Puppet Master stuff...) but that didn't work out so well. I got some of the COOLEST stuff to add to my collection:
Don't mind the Arnold Palmer and keys in the background...
I grabbed a Captain Spaulding Funko Pop! vinyl figure; I'd had my eye on him for a while because I collect the horror Pops, but at my comic book store they usually sell them for around $12, and this vendor was selling him for $10...I decided I was never going to find him for a better price unless he was damaged, so I went for it.
Full Moon Features was where I really went crazy. My other half bought those babies for me, but I'm so grateful! Puppet Master is how our relationship started 2 years ago; our third or fourth date was him at my house watching B-horror films, and Puppet Master was on one of the compilation DVDs I had bought at my friend's house in New Hampshire, so we watched it...and now we have a collection of all of the figures of the puppets! The two large boxes in the middle are resin statues of two of our favorite puppets: Six Shooter and Tunneler. They're beautiful figures, and they fit perfectly on my Puppet Master shelf!
Skinless Julia from Hellraiser is all the way at the right. She's another figure I had been searching for at a good price, but she's kind of rare around me, so I was going to resort to buying her on Ebay until the vendor gave her to me at a MUCH better price than I expected! I am elated about this one!
The Twisty the Clown print on the far left above Captain Spaulding is 1 of 8 made, if I'm not mistaken. I saw him and fell in love and nabbed him before all of them were gone. He's all hand-painted!
I also got a Hellraiser hoodie (IT SAYS "WE'LL TEAR YOUR SOUL APART" ON THE SLEEVE. HOW SWEET IS THAT?!?!) and a poster of Sam from Trick 'r Treat that's currently still in the plastic so it doesn't get damaged. I have to go out and get a frame!

But what made the weekend so incredible for me?
Oh, I don't know...THIS:
That's John Carroll Lynch, the actor behind Twisty the Clown! I panicked when I met him...I was trying to tell him all about you guys and my little horror family and I totally blanked and got nervous and couldn't do much but stare at him. Talk about starstruck...oops!
He's the sweetest man in the world. It was his first convention so I talked to him a little bit about that. I was telling him about Bizarre AC and how if he ever needed some recommendations of good conventions to go to, I could help him. -facepalm- I walked away kicking myself for sounding like an idiot, but I was so grateful that he signed my Twisty doll.

I spent a lot of time walking around and looking at peoples' costumes throughout the day, and there were some awesome Freddy Krueger costumes, Jason costumes, and there were some great replicas of Victor Crowley there to see Adam Green!
I sadly didn't stay to get to see the live performance of Rocky Horror (where Naomi Grossman got on stage and danced to The Name Game from AHS: Asylum!), and I didn't stay to see any of the movies screening. I was a big baby and went to bed.

But I have to say, it was one of the best experiences I've ever had. The people I got to know there were so wonderful, like Mary who sold me Freddy Kreuger soap! I'm a big soap/skincare junkie when I'm not doing my horror stuff, and I told her that I work for a soap company and she loves the company I work for, so I figured how could I not try out her soap too?!
The networking was awesome, and hopefully, soon, there will be more members of the horror family and we'll expand!

Were any of you at MonsterMania?! Let me know if you saw me there!!

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