Tuesday, March 31, 2015

It Follows Review

Seeing It Follows came to me spontaneously...my plan was to go to work, and then go straight home and go to sleep. However, my friend texted me asking if I had any interest in seeing it, and considering it's received reviews such as "the scariest horror film in decades", I figured it would be in my best interest to go see it.

Basically, if you haven't seen it yet and you want to know the synopsis, I feel like this whole film is an innuendo about STDs...I could be totally off but that's the way it seems to me.
A girl sleeps with a guy she kind of just met, and contracts something he eludes to as "the following". Anyone who contracts it from someone essentially sees people walking at them. Yes, very odd-looking people, walking slowly at them. They stare, and for some reason, they're unnecessarily naked, because most of this film is overly sexualized.
So, the only way to "get rid of it", is to pass it on to someone else the same way you contracted it. By sleeping with someone.

Anyway, like I said before, the film is overly sexualized, like someone was trying to make a horror-porn. Most of the "followers", I guess I'll call them, are walking around with their shirts cut too low...or their robe is open...or they're not wearing a shirt at all. There's an ample showing of breasts in this film, if that's something you need in your horror. Personally, I'd prefer to be scared than have to be entertained by naked women. That also happens. Women are completely naked.
And it's not just limited to women- you have a naked man standing on a roof, as well. -sigh-

The acting was wonderful. I really enjoyed the cast; they seemed to fit their roles very well. That part was not a disappointment for me at all.

The story was terrifying in concept, but in execution, I think it lacked something. It wasn't extravagant and in-your-face the way some films are, but there were jump-scares in place of where real terror and suspense could have been. I don't know, maybe it's just me, and maybe I'm jaded by horror films by now. I sure hope not...

So for those of you looking to go see a different kind of horror film, this one is definitely worth checking out. I'd like to hear opinions on it, because I know my friend and I were both pretty disappointed, but many people are saying that they were totally terrified by it.

Let me know what you guys thought!!

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